International competition

International Competition 3

Appointments & Tickets

Wed 4.9. • 14:15 - 15:30
Cinema Trafo 1

Thu 5.9. • 16:15 - 17:30
Cinema Trafo 1

Fri 6.9. • 12:15 - 13:30
Cinema Trafo 1

Sat 7.9. • 20:45 - 22:00
Cinema Trafo 1

16+ 69'
Artist present Artist present

Selection Team

  • Ivana Kvesić (CH)
  • Niels Putman (BE)
  • Frederic Siegel (CH)
  • Anaïs Voirol (CH)


  • Marie-Pauline Mollaret (FR)
  • Tina Schwizgebel (CH)
  • Aya Suzuki (JP)


The Choolers: Viandes & Poissons, Monsieur Pimpant, BE 2023 | © The Choolers: Viandes & Poissons, Monsieur Pimpant, BE 2023
The Choolers: Viandes & Poissons
The film documents the real life of experimental hip-hop group Choolers Division and their time as artists-in-residence at the art brut center “La S” in Belgium. Their members are giving a glimpse into a cacophony of deep friendship and unbridled creativity in a world that often seeks to ignore them. Direction Nicolas "Monsieur Pimpant" Marcon Duration 13' Language French Country Belgium, France Year 2023
Animation Nicolas "Monsieur Pimpant" Marcon Music Choolers All Starz Sound design Laszlo Umbreit

This Is a Story Without a Plan, Cassie Shao, US 2023 | © This Is a Story Without a Plan, Cassie Shao, US 2023
This Is a Story Without a Plan
Two characters are witnessing a constant explosion in different fragments of their lives. A tale of observers. Direction Cassie Shao Duration 8' Country United States Year 2023
Animation Cassie Shao Music Monteith McCollum Sound design Monteith McCollum

Dreams About Putin, Vlad Fishez, Nastia Korkia, PT/BE/HU 2023 | © Dreams About Putin, Vlad Fishez, Nastia Korkia, PT/BE/HU 2023
Dreams About Putin
Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, many Russians have shared dreams about their president on social media. A selection of these posts has been brought to life in this film. The result is a bizarre and disturbing nightmare vision that explores the theme of the collective unconscious in Russian society. Direction Vlad Fishez Duration 30' Language Russian Country Portugal, Belgium, Hungary Year 2023

Les pissenlits par la racine, Chloé Farr, FR 2023 | © Les pissenlits par la racine, Chloé Farr, FR 2023
Les pissenlits par la racine
Coco is 6. She lives in a big house with her mother and aunt. One night, she wakes with a start after a terrible nightmare about a character resembling Woody Woodpecker. She asks her mom to call the police.
Direction Chloé Farr Duration 4' Language French Country France Year 2023
Animation Chloé Farr Music Pierre Oberkampf Sound design Pierre Sauze

Edith and the Tall Child, Kohana Wilson, JP/US 2023 | © Edith and the Tall Child, Kohana Wilson, JP/US 2023
Edith and the Tall Child
A hand-drawn film about hair, dysphoria, and the growing pains of a repeating puberty. It follows the titular tall child as they outgrow their tiny apartment, their gender, and their hallucinatory giant ground sloth Edith. Direction Kohana Wilson Duration 7' Language English Country Japan, United States Year 2023
Animation Kohana Wilson Music Charlie Kilgore Sound design Charlie Kilgore

Pear Garden, Shadab Shayegan, DE 2024 | © Pear Garden, Shadab Shayegan, DE 2024
Pear Garden
Six-year-old Lily visits her grandmother, who has had a mastectomy and now misses her breasts. When Lily finds out that her grandmother’s shadow still has both breasts, she is prepared to do anything to get them back. Direction Shadab Shayegan Duration 7' Language Persian Country Germany Year 2024
Animation Shadab Shayegan Music Periklis Liakakis Sound design Rachel Oker