Focus Austria

(Gl)itchy Skins

Animation that blurs the boundaries between body and image to reinterpret the permeability between the self and the world, inside and outside. Skin becomes a membrane, a projection surface, a screen that stretches and expands into a landscape. Flat expanses and wrinkled canyons are transformed until the organic becomes surreal. Fragile, porous and irritated. Skins tear, morph, slip and overlap. Multiple facets and epidermal film surfaces emerge from complex tissues that defy the boundaries between tactile perception and disembodiment.

Appointments & Tickets

Wed 4.9. • 22:45
Cinema Trafo

Fri 6.9. • 20:45
Cinema Sterk

Sun 8.9. • 10:00
Cinema Trafo

18+ 60'
Artist present Artist present

In collaboration

Tricky Women/Tricky Realities

Curated by

Djamila Grandits & Lara Bellon

In cooperation with

Supported by

Österreichisches Kulturforum Bern & SWISSLOS Kanton Aargau

Unter dem Ehrenschutz der Österreichischen Botschafterin in der Schweiz, Maria Rotheiser-Scotti


SELF, Claudia Larcher, AT 2015 | © SELF, Claudia Larcher, AT 2015
Skin as surface, as material, as landscape. Slow movements through changing terrain, wrinkled ravines and flat expanses. New and mysterious structures keep appearing until the image itself becomes porous and the focus disappears.  Direction Claudia Larcher Duration 8' Country Austria Year 2015

Die Geburt der Venus, Moucle Blackout, AT 1970 | © Die Geburt der Venus, Moucle Blackout, AT 1970
Die Geburt der Venus
Like folded ink blot images, pictures are reflected over their axis and form a kaleidoscope of ecstatic bodies and lustful frolics. New scope for interpretation appears upside down, reversed, mirror inverted and negatively inverted: “Open up your eyes now, tell me what you see.”  Direction Moucle Blackout Duration 5' Country Austria Year 1970

Galaxy, Dagmar Schürer, AT 2020 | © Galaxy, Dagmar Schürer, AT 2020
A fleeting encounter between Touch and Long Swipe becomes an algorithmic love story. Distortions appear: a breakdown of the image, an aberration in the story. While hands and objects move in continuous circles, surprisingly sensory tales emerge outside the orbit.  Direction Dagmar Schürer Duration 4' Country Austria Year 2020

Sympoetic Bodies, Flavia Mazzanti, AT 2020 | © Sympoetic Bodies, Flavia Mazzanti, AT 2020
Sympoetic Bodies
Hybrid organisms break away from the idea of a physical entity. Rigid boundaries become permeable, membranes expand, mutate, are crossed, penetrated. A complex network in constant flux proves that bodies, as Donna Haraway says, don’t end at the skin.  Direction Flavia Mazzanti Duration 11' Country Austria Year 2020

slugs'n'tongues, Margareta Klose & Peter Várnai, AT 2022 | © slugs'n'tongues, Margareta Klose & Peter Várnai, AT 2022

A tangle of whispering, murmuring voices becomes a polyphonic love poem. Tongues flick, smack and roll in moist, soft, crude sounds. A being, sometimes tongue, sometimes slug, against a hairy background. 

Direction Margareta Klose, Peter Várnai Duration 4' Country Austria Year 2022
Animation Peter Várnai Music Margareta Klose and Peter Várnai Sound design Margareta Klose and Peter Várnai

La Belle est la Bête, Bady Minck, AT 2005 | © La Belle est la Bête, Bady Minck, AT 2005
La belle est la bête

A furry tongue. Who is the beautiful beast? Fantastical speculations about the internal and external. Surreal arrays and fluffy surfaces conjure up physical sensations. Cosy dream worlds and eerie objects evade inspection and promote liberation.

Direction Bady Minck Duration 3' Country Austria Year 2005

NabelFabel, Mara Mattuschka, AT 1984 | © NabelFabel, Mara Mattuschka, AT 1984
Layers of newspaper, mouths and nylon peel away in sync with a heartbeat. A face sheds its skin rebelliously. Distorted grimaces twist and turn through holes – openings to the outside. At the end it feels like there has been an act of liberation. It’s much more than fabric that’s being torn open here.  Direction Mara Mattuschka Duration 3' Country Austria Year 1984

Don’t Touch Me When I Start to Feel Safe, Brigitta Bödenauer, AT 2003
Don’t Touch Me When I Start to Feel Safe
Architectural forms morph, expand and fall into each other. The beat becomes more complex, outlines turn into human silhouettes that blur into one another and dissipate. If perception itself is thrown into question, there is no basic structure, no skeleton to rely on. Direction Brigitta Bödenauer Duration 5' Country Austria Year 2003

Embodied Structures - Come Feel My Skins, Cristian Anutoiu, AT 2021 | © Embodied Structures - Come Feel My Skins, Cristian Anutoiu, AT 2021
Embodied Structures - Come Feel My Skins

Movements through dark silvery waters, from darkness into a glossy space. Islands of fleshy sculptural figures and sleek surfaces that fold into skins. Beyond the binary between the organic and artificial, the digital and physical, speculative bodies grant access to magical realities. (Comissioned by CIVA / sound:frame)

Direction Cristian Anutoiu Duration 5' Country Austria Year 2021

Lezzieflick, Nana Swiczinsky, AT 2008 | © Lezzieflick, Nana Swiczinsky, AT 2008
Bodies and two-dimensional images fold into one another, achieving unexpected depth in the zooming in, in the pixelation. A sensual choreography of desires emerges from the manipulation. A blown tyre, shortness of breath and deep sighing. A reappropriation of lesbian pornography. A photo love story, poster sex.  Direction Nana Swiczinsky Duration 7' Country Austria Year 2008

Selfportrait, Maria Lassnig, AT 1971 | © Selfportrait, Maria Lassnig, AT 1971
A moving painting of physical sensations. Maria Lassnig in an animated self-portrait, a musical. Revolving around her own head. Idols and projections; Garbo, mother, woman. Becoming a different person, circling around herself. Trying herself out, trying herself on, finding outlines to redraw herself while singing.  Direction Maria Lassnig Duration 5' Language English Country Austria Year 1971