Punk Is Not Dead

“Punk Is Not Dead” – this year, Fantoche focuses on courageous movements for freedom, justice and democracy. What can we learn from the past to help us today, when democratic processes are increasingly being put to the test?

The programme curated by Greg de Cuir Jr., Daniel Šuljić and Olga Bobrowska showcases films diverse in type and origin that depict resistance, made between 1960 and the present day. They show multifaceted interpretations of the punk movement, its meaning and its lasting impact, posing such questions as: What does “anti-establishment” actually mean today? How have ideals changed, or the expression of “otherness” and “avant-garde”? Where does the fine line between euphoria and exclusion lie in mass movements? What inner processes are necessary to reframe personal experiences? Cinematic answers to these and other questions are often pressing, but also humorous, edgy, whimsical – and even punky.

We have organised two rounds of talks to complement the Short Film Programme: there will be plenty to discuss in “Let’s Talk: Protest” and “Let’s Talk: Diversity in Animation”. At first glance, it may seem easy to represent diversity and inclusion in animated film – but the reality is different in terms of structure and content. From artistic, activist and analytical viewpoints, we explore together with the audience such aspects as social responsibility, types of activism and their cultural overlaps – and demonstrate how the themes of protest and diversity are closely interwoven.

A workshop conducted together with the Fumetto Comic Festival will also explore the subversive power of fanzines. (Marianne Burki)


Supported by: SWISSLOS Kanton Aargau