Punk Is Not Dead
Spit into the Burning Eyes – Fantoche Edition
In the punk scene, the bands on stage were spat at by the audience if their performance was particularly pleasing. The band then did the same ... Sit back and enjoy a selection of films that are punky, uncouth, and sometimes crude. Not suitable for Sunday coffee-and-cake chats – and please don’t spit at the curator! (Daniel Šuljić)
Appointments & Tickets
Curated by:
Daniel Šuljić

Blauer Traum, Malte Stein, DE 2013
Blauer Traum
A beautiful blonde takes a little ugly man home with her. A harsh tale of the dark underbelly of Berlin society, where alcohol and an unlikely happy encounter numb the senses and leave their traces behind. Direction Malte Stein Duration 10' Language DE/en Country Germany Year 2013
Malte Stein
Malte Stein'
Malte Stein, Michael Buk
Sound design
Malte Stein
Maryna Shulkina

Cowboys: High Noon, Phil Mulloy, GB 1991
Cowboys: High Noon
Simply drawn and sharply satirical, this rough diamond of a short mocks masculine glorification of violence, weapons and duelling. Direction Phil Mulloy Duration 4' Language no dialogue Country United Kingdom Year 1991
Phil Mulloy
Phil Mulloy'
Alexander Balanescu, Keith Tippett

Don Quixote , Vlado Kristl, YU 1961
Don Quixote
Loosely based on the Cervantes masterpiece, this film is the most radical work to emerge from the Zagreb school of animation. Briefly blacklisted in communist Yugoslavia, it nevertheless won numerous prizes at festivals around the world, including the top prize at the 1962 International Short Film Festival Oberhausen. Direction Vlado Kristl Duration 11' Language no dialogue Year 1961 Age rating 18+
Vlado Kristl
Vlado Kristl'
Milko Kelemen
Vlado Kristl

Girls Night Out, Joanna Quinn, GB 1987
Girls Night Out
Joanna Quinn’s biting comedy is one of the first feminist animated shorts and well and truly turns the tables: a group of friends enjoy a girls’ night out and visit a strip club. Spare a thought for the stripper! Direction Joanna Quinn Duration 6' Language English Country United Kingdom Year 1987
Joanna Quinn
Angela Hughes, Joanna Quinn'
Sound design
Les Mills

Anal Juice , Sawako Kabuki, JP 2016
Anal Juice
If you go out with an animator and act like a jerk, don’t be surprised by the outcome: a revenge film Sawako made just for you! Direction Sawako Kabuki Duration 3' Language JP/en Country Japan Year 2016
Sawako Kabuki
Sawako Kabuki'
Seinosuke Saeki

Son of Satan, J.J. Villard, US 2003
Son of Satan
Forcefully drawn, the brutal autobiographical tale from Charles Bukowski shows how violence is answered by violence and passed down from generation to generation. Direction J.J. Villard Duration 12' Language English Country United States Year 2003
J.J. Villard
J.J. Villard
J.J. Villard

Bomb, Peter Millard, GB 2014
A colourful being explodes again and again and is simply fun. Few filmmakers today pay homage to the art of minimalism with the same radical and consistent approach as Peter Millard. Direction Peter Millard Duration 2' Language no dialogue Country United Kingdom Year 2014
Peter Millard
Peter Millard

Mound, Allison Schulnik, US 2011
This films’ incredible claymation creates a stunning dark and melancholy scene in delicate pastel colours, perfectly choreographed with a mysterious, almost hypnotic power. Direction Allison Schulnik Duration 4' Language English Country United States Year 2011
Allison Schulnik
Allison Schulnik'
Helder K. Sun
Allison Schulnik

Autour du lac, Noémie Marsily, Carl Roosens, BE 2013
Autour du lac
The film takes the audience on a trip around the lake. A series of offbeat encounters and fragments of life, dynamically animated with pencil-and-ink illustrations and backed by the words and wild music of Carl et les hommes-boîtes. Direction Noémie Marsily, Carl Roosens Duration 5' Language FR/en Country Belgium Year 2013
Noémie Marsily, Carl Roosens
Noémie Marsily, Carl Roosens'
Carl et les hommes-boîtes

Holladio hods gsogt – TEAM POPOG (Tobi/Sarah) ft. Sophie Panisch & Judith Theissler , Sarah Braid, AT 2023
Holladio hods gsogt – TEAM POPOG (Tobi/Sarah) ft. Sophie Panisch & Judith Theissler
“Holladio hods gesogt” is a rap music video in Austrian dialect that takes a stance on everyday sexism, misogyny and sexual harassment, everywhere from beer tents to modern nightclubs. “I piss on your attitude!” Direction Sarah Braid Duration 5' Language DE/en Country Austria Year 2023
Sarah Braid
Sarah Braid'
Tobias Schützenberger

Unicorn Blood , Alberto Vázquez, ES 2013
Unicorn Blood
Two very different teddy-bear brothers go unicorn hunting. This dark tale may seem familiar to those who caught the feature film “Unicorn Wars” at Fantoche 2022. In 2013, Alberto Vazquez sketched out the story in light pencil drawings and watercolours in the short film it was based on. Direction Alberto Vázquez Duration 9' Language Es/en Country Spain Year 2013
Alberto Vázquez, Giovanna Lopalco,
Alberto Vázquez, Pedro Rivero'
Victor Garcia
Sound design
Victor Garcia