Swiss Competition 2

Appointments & Tickets

Wed 6.9. • 14:15
Cinema Trafo 2

Thu 7.9. • 18:30
Cinema Trafo 2

Fri 8.9. • 16:15
Cinema Trafo 3

Sat 9.9. • 18:30
Cinema Trafo 3

14+ 66'
Artist present Artist present


Selection Team

  • Brigae Haelg (CH)
  • Katja Morand (CH)



© Pipes, Kilian Feusi, Jessica Meier, Sujanth Ravichandran, CH 2022
Bob the plumber is tasked with repairing a burst pipe and, to his surprise, ends up in a gay fetish club. Direction Kilian Feusi, Jessica Meier, Sujanth Ravichandran Duration 4' Language no dialogue Country Switzerland Year 2022
Animation Julia Krummenacher, Ezeani Lelani, Gastl Olivia, Böhme Sarai, Kristlbauer Sven, Tamara Milosevic, Marco Jörger Screenplay Kilian Feusi, Jessica Meier, Sujanth Ravichandran' Music Esteban Umiglia, Emanuel Meshvinski Sound design Noah Lüthi, Markley Cahn von Seelen, Jeroen Visser Production Jürgen Haas Rental Catalog Lucerne School of Art and Design BA Animation _ Contact: Chantal Molleur Distributor Switzerland All Rights

© Love Bubbles, Marcel Hobi, CH 2023
Love Bubbles
Floating on a pink cloud as a couple is easy. It is much more difficult to cope with everyday life and the future together – an amusing relationship drama. Direction Marcel Hobi Duration 8' Language no dialogue Country Switzerland Year 2023
Animation Joana Toste Screenplay Marcel Hobi' Music Mario Batkovic Sound design Peter Bräker & Oscar van Hoogevest Production Marcel Hobi Rental Catalog Marcel Hobi, looping animations Distributor Worldwide All Rights

© Beautiful Figures, Soetkin Verstegen, CH, BE 2022
Beautiful Figures
Thoughts ripple over the pages of a personal notebook, kept during a stay at different science labs in Zurich. They float from one to another, like a mind map of unfinished ideas on memory, medical imaging, cells and ageing. Direction Soetkin Verstegen Duration 4' Language no dialogue Country Switzerland, Year 2022
Animation Soetkin Verstegen Screenplay Soetkin Verstegen' Music Magda Drozd Sound design Magda Drozd Production Soetkin Verstegen

© Reprise, Saskia Bulletti, Carine Chrast, Livia Neuenschwander, Leance Volschenk, CH 2022
A young girl navigates her daily life with her family and stepfather, the fox. The girl seems strangely cautious of the friendly fox. It is only when they are alone that the girl’s situation becomes clear. Direction Saskia Bulletti, Carine Chrast, Lio Neuenschwander, Leance Volschenk Duration 3' Language FR/en Country Switzerland Year 2022 Age rating 14+
Animation Carine Chrast Screenplay Saskia Bulletti, Lio Neuenschwander' Music Andres Piller Sound design Leance Volschenk, Noah Lüthi, Lena Metzger, Laura Kohler Cut Lio Neuenschwander Production Gerd Gockell Rental Catalog Chantal Molleur Distributor Switzerland All Rights

© Not Worried. But Confused. , Loïc Kreyden, CH, GB 2022
Not Worried. But Confused.
A quirky stop-motion stage play with a bird in the main role. Clay figures, their bodies held together with wires, that dissolve into smoke. A playful approach to light, sound and music brings this world to life – until its death. Direction Loïc Kreyden Duration 4' Language no dialogue Country Switzerland, Year 2022
Animation Loïc Kreyden Music Janos Mijnssen, Xenia Wiener Sound design Etienne Kompis - Noisy Neighbours Production Suzanne Buchan

© Armat, Élodie Dermange, CH 2022
Elodie tries to find out more about her family’s Armenian origins. She interviews her father, uncle and great-aunt, and discovers a harsh history where violence and the inability to express love are passed down from generation to generation. Direction Élodie Dermange Duration 12' Language FR/en, de Country Switzerland Year 2022
Animation Élodie Dermange Screenplay Élodie Dermange' Music Sam Shalabi Sound design Jérôme Vittoz Cut Élodie Dermange Production Nicolas Burlet, Zoltan Hórváth

© D'une peinture... à l'autre, Georges Schwizgebel, CH 2023
D'une peinture... à l'autre
An immersion into art through two paintings on the same subject, created half a century apart. Direction Georges Schwizgebel Duration 3' Language no dialogue Country Switzerland Year 2023
Animation Georges Schwizgebel Screenplay Georges Schwizgebel' Music Atahualpa Yupanqui, Roberto Aussel Sound design Studio Torres Production Production Studio GDS, Schwizgebel, RTS, Radio Télévision Suisse Rental Catalog Miyu Distribution Distributor Worldwide All Rights

© La colline aux cailloux, Marjolaine Perreten, CH 2023
La colline aux cailloux
A family of shrews, living next to a stream, are preparing for winter. After heavy rain, though, they need to leave their home and their stockpile. In search of a new place to stay, they set off on an adventure in the wilderness. Direction Marjolaine Perreten Duration 29' Language FR/en Country Switzerland Year 2023
Animation Valentine Moser, Etienne Mory, Clément Espinosa, Yvan Nussbaumer, Igor Neiman, Marjolaine Perreten, Ael Bartoli Screenplay Marjolaine Perreten' Music Yan Volsy Sound design Yan Volsy, Jonathan Vanneste Cut Marina Rosset Production Nicolas Burlet, Zoltan Horvath, Arnaud Demuynck