
Panorama II: Living With Planet Earth

In the programme “Panorama 2: Living With Planet Earth”, life isn’t easy and hurdles are part of life. The fragile coexistence of humans and animals is portrayed in “Zima”. The three films “There Are People in the Forest”, “Percebes” and “No Room” examine the mechanisms behind wars, mass tourism and the destruction of the environment. And living beings struggle with loneliness (“Tennis, Oranges”) as well as with the prospect of being taken over by artificial intelligence (“A Different Goal”). 

Appointments & Tickets

Thu 5.9. • 10:00
Cinema Trafo 3

Fri 6.9. • 14:15
Cinema Trafo 3

Sun 8.9. • 18:30
Cinema Sterk

14+ 67'


Tennis, Oranges, Sean Pecknold, US 2024 | © Tennis, Oranges, Sean Pecknold, US 2024
Tennis, Oranges
A robotic vacuum suffering from burnout quits its job at a hospital and sets out to find community and a greater purpose on a quiet street where two lonely rabbits are stuck in perpetual loops. Direction Sean Pecknold Duration 11' Language Mandarin Chinese Country United States Year 2024
Animation Alfonso Estrada, Sean Pecknold, Eileen Kohlhepp, Sarah De Gaudemar, Evelyn Ross, She Ramsey, Daniel Olivas, Charles D'Avignon Music Claude Debussy Sound design David Kamp

No Room, Jelena Oroz, HR 2024
No Room
In this film, cars have legs. Maybe that is why they feel free to use the pavement as they please. There is no room, but could we perhaps be a little more considerate? Direction Jelena Oroz Duration 6' Language Croatian Country Croatia Year 2024
Animation David Lovric, Jelena Oroz Music Josip Klobucar Sound design Josip Klobucar

Zima, Tomek Popakul, Kasumi Ozeki, PL 2023 | © Zima, Tomek Popakul, Kasumi Ozeki, PL 2023
Anka loves cats. And Jesus. In a winter silence the lagoon freezes and the unspoken resurfaces like crack on ice. Mosaic portrait of a small fisherman's village where human to human, human to animal, animal to animal interdepend on a delicate balance of warm tender care and cold emotional cruelty.  Direction Tomek Popakul, Kasumi Ozeki Duration 26' Language Polish Country Poland Year 2023
Animation Jakub Baniak, Magdalena Basińska, Alicja Błaszczyńska, Magdalena Botor, Agnieszka Czachór, Jagoda Czarnowska, Alicja Grotuz, Karolina Kajetanowicz, Olga Kłyszewicz, Marcin Kotliński, Adriann Music King Midas Sound, Circle of Ouroborus, Godflesh, 19 Wiosen, Tenhi, Ait! Sound design Sound Mind, Michał Fojcik MPSE

A Different Goal, Marco Joubert, CA 2023 | © A Different Goal, Marco Joubert, CA 2023
A Different Goal
What would happen if intelligent machines started developing their own goals, different from those of humankind? Direction Marco Joubert Duration 3' Language English Country Canada Year 2023
Animation Marco Joubert Sound design Marco Joubert

There Are People in the Forest, Szymon Ruczynski, PL 2023 | © There Are People in the Forest, Szymon Ruczynski, PL 2023
There Are People in the Forest
A lonely man limps down the road. A truck drives up to him. Several armed men jump out of it. They capture the limping man and transport him to the forest. The only witnesses of the scene are people from a nearby village.  Direction Szymon Kucharski Duration 10' Country Poland Year 2023
Animation Szymon Kucharski Sound design Szymon Kucharski

Percebes, Alexandra Ramires, Laura Gonçalves, PT 2024
With the sea and the urban Algarve as a background, we follow a complete cycle of the life of a special shellfish called percebes, goose barnacle. From their formation to the dish, in this journey, we cross different contexts that allow us to better understand this region and those who live there. Direction Alexandra Ramires (Xa) Duration 12' Language Portuguese Country Portugal Year 2024
Animation Inês Teixeira, Joana Teixeira, Leonor Pacheco, Laura Equi, Carolina Bonzinho Music Nicolas Tricot Sound design Bernardo Bento