International Competition 2

Appointments & Tickets

Wed 6.9. • 20:45 - 22:30
Cinema Trafo 1

Thu 7.9. • 12:15 - 14:00
Cinema Trafo 1

Fri 8.9. • 16:15 - 18:15
Cinema Trafo 1

Sat 9.9. • 14:15 - 16:00
Cinema Trafo 1

16+ 70'
Artist present Artist present


Selection Team

  • Ivana Kvesić (CH)
  • Niels Putman (BE)
  • Anaïs Voirol (CH)
  • Frederic Siegel (CH)



© All My Scars Vanish in the Wind, María Angélica Restrepo Guzmán, Carlos David Velandia, CO 2022
All My Scars Vanish in the Wind
A woman hears a disconcerting call from the depths of her being. A cryptic cry for help that becomes more and more intelligible guides her to the original wound, her inner child, to whom she will give comfort and finally become her own protector. Direction María Angélica Restrepo Guzmán, Carlos David Velandia Duration 14' Language no dialogue/es, en Country Colombia Year 2022 Original Subtitle Language Englisch'
Animation Carlos Velandia, Angélica Restrepo Screenplay María Angélica Restrepo, Carlos David Velandia' Music Carlos Velandia Sound design Carlos Velandia Production María Angélica Restrepo, Carlos David Velandia Rental Catalog EXPERIMENTA Sales Agent Worldwide All Rights Proimágenes Colombia Distributor Worldwide All Rights

© SWIM!, Isabel Santos, US 2022
At swim practice, a girl is confronted with her changing body while being bombarded by the whistling of her eccentric coach, the burden of God’s watchful eye, the majesty of the older swimmers and naughty recordings on her teammate’s mobile phone. Direction Isabel Santos Duration 5' Language no dialogue Country United States Year 2022
Animation Isabel Santos Sound design Isabel Santos

© Armat, Élodie Dermange, CH 2022
Elodie tries to find out more about her family’s Armenian origins. She interviews her father, uncle and great-aunt, and discovers a harsh history where violence and the inability to express love are passed down from generation to generation. Direction Élodie Dermange Duration 12' Language FR/en, de Country Switzerland Year 2022
Animation Élodie Dermange Screenplay Élodie Dermange' Music Sam Shalabi Sound design Jérôme Vittoz Cut Élodie Dermange Production Nicolas Burlet, Zoltan Hórváth

© The Miracle, Nienke Deutz, BE 2022
The Miracle
Forty-year-old Irma goes on a vacation to an all-inclusive resort. Soon after her arrival, she realises the site is meant for young families. Irma has to find her own place in this holiday paradise. Direction Nienke Deutz Duration 15' Language EN/en Country Belgium Year 2022
Animation Nienke Deutz Screenplay Nienke Deutz' Music Mark Schilders Sound design Corinne Dubien Camera Steven Frederickx Cut Nienke Deutz, Xander Nijsten Production Annemie Degryse Rental Catalog Miyu Distribution Distributor France All Rights

© House of Existence , Yumi Joung, KR 2022
House of Existence
There is a house. The house starts falling apart: the roof and wall collapse, slowly revealing belongings hidden behind them. They, too, collapse and break and disappear. When everything goes away, a person is left alone in the remains. Direction Yu-mi Joung Duration 8' Language no dialogue Country South Korea Year 2022
Animation Yu-m Joungi, Ji-su Kim Screenplay Yu-mi Joung' Music Bruno Sanfiippo Sound design Hong Seongjun Cut Yu-mi Joung, Kihyun Kim Production Kihyun Kim Rental Catalog Match Cut Inc. Distributor Korea, Republic of All Rights

© Un genre de testament, Stephen Vuillemin, FR 2023
Un genre de testament
A young woman comes across animations on the internet that have clearly been created from her private selfies. An unknown woman with the same name confesses to identity theft. But death is quicker than the answer to the question: “Why?” Direction Stephen Vuillemin Duration 16' Language English Country France Year 2023
Animation Stephen Vuillemin Screenplay Stephen Vuillemin' Music Charlie Janiaut Sound design Lucien Krampf Production Manifest - Anaïs COLPIN