For professional audiences

Artists' Brunch

Brunch with Fantoche! Filmmakers from the short film programmes will give an insight into their imagination and the creation of their films in a relaxed morning discussion over coffee and brunch.

Appointments & Tickets

Wed 6.9. • 10:30 - 12:00

Thu 7.9. • 10:30 - 12:00

Sat 9.9. • 10:30 - 12:00

Sun 10.9. • 10:30 - 12:00


Olivier Samter, Jane Mumford

Guests Wednesday

Yegane Moghaddam (Our Uniform, Swiss Competition 1), Élodie Dermange (Armat, International Competition 2/Swiss Competition 2), Anton Cla (Cyclepaths, International Competition 3), Tobias Rud (The TOBOS, International Competition 3), Maja Gehrig (Empty Roles, Swiss Competition 1)

Moderated by: Olivier Samter

Guests Thursday

Marjolaine Perreten (La colline aux cailloux, Swiss Competition 2), Charlotte Waltert & Alvaro Schoeck (Greylands/ Der grauer March, International Competition 3/ Swiss Competition 1), , Claudius Gentinetta (Think Something Nice, Swiss Competition 1), Natalia Chernysheva (Tournesol, Kids Film Competition 1), Marcel Hobi (Love Bubbles, Swiss Competition) , Eric Reniers (Animation) (Le crépuscule, International Competition 4), Stephan Vuillemin (Un genre de testament, International Competition 2)

Moderated by: Jan Mumford

Guests Saturday

Flora Anna Buda (27, International Competition 4), Noémi Knobil, Jill Vágner, Sven Bachmann & Elina Huber (Crevette, Swiss Competition 1), Soetkin Verstegen (Beautfiul Figures, Swiss Competition 2), Valentine Moser & Clemence Pun (Producer) (Mouvement, sur le toit de la ville béton, Swiss Competition 1), Lio Neuenschwander (Reprise, Swiss Competition 2), Dina Velikovskaya (Prinzessin Aubergine, Kids Film Competition 1)

Moderated by: Jane Mumford

Guests Sunday

Lena von Döhren & Eva Rust (Tümpel, Swiss Competition 1), Kilian Feusi & Jessica Meier (Pipes, Swiss Competition 2), Matea Kovač (Y, International Competition 4), Pedro Cabrera Vanegas (Tapir Memories, Swiss Competition 1), Suchana Saha (Dear Me, International Competition 3), Loïc Kreyden (Not Worried. But Confused. Swiss Competition 2), Thirza Ingold (Kill Your Darlings, Swiss Competition 2), Bram Algoed (What's in That Crate?, Kids Film Competition 1)
Moderated by: Olivier Samter

Supported by