Fantoche Industry Day

The tenth Industry Day brings together representatives of the national and international animation scene under the motto of “Root to Rise”. It aims to examine new approaches, expand on tried-and-tested methods and open up innovative new pathways as Swiss and international visitors enjoy a day of communication and collaboration. 

Click here for the tickets.

Curated by: Amélie Cochet, Veronica L. Montaño

Moderated by: Jane Mumford

Industry Breakfast

A relaxed introduction to an informative day of events over coffee and pastries.

9:00 – 9:30, Trafo Halle 36.2

Focus: AI is a tool

A constructive discussion and Q&A on AI: the latest developments, legal situation, how we can make use of the technology and how animation schools are approaching it.

9:30 – 10:40, Trafo Hall 36.2

With: Salome Horber (legal expert, Suissimage – Schweizerische Genossenschaft für Urheberrechte an audiovisuellen Werken), Robbert van Rooden (Inlusio Interactive), Jonas Trottnow (research & engineer KI-Lab, Animationsinstitut Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg)

Focus: The art of storytelling

A discussion and Q&A on the importance of compelling narratives. What’s the secret to stories that succeed in capturing the zeitgeist and creating connections between people? 

10:50 – 12:00, Trafo Hall 36.2

With: Aya Suzuki (storyboarder and animator), Kayvon Darabi-Fard (story artist), Diane Schaefer (anthropologist and scriptwriter), Klaus Lyngeled (MoonHood Studios)

Workshop: Storytelling through storyboarding

An interactive workshop and knowledge-sharing on storytelling using storyboards with Aya Suzuki, who has enjoyed global success as an animator and storyboarder. 

13:00 – 15:20 Trafo, Hertz

registration can be made at ticket purchase

Presentation 1: Be your own best marketing agent

Versatile and marketing-savvy animator Giulia Martinelli shares her strategies for authentic self-marketing, successful time management and juggling different sources of income.

13:00 – 14:00 Trafo Hall 36.2

Presentation 2: Games – Animation Made Interactive

Klaus Lyngeled, co-founder of MoonHood Studios, offers fascinating behind-the-scenes insights into the studio, which combines working by hand with new technologies to create immersive gaming experiences. 

14:05 – 15:05, Trafo Hall 36.2

Artist Talk: Ramón Arango

Since his bachelor’s degree at HSLU (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts), Ramón’s career has gone from strength to strength. He recounts his experiences as a Swiss CGI artist who made the leap into the global industry. 

15:15 – 16:30 Trafo Hall 36.2

In presence of: Ramón Arango

Swiss Animation Industry Award (SAIA)

In partnership with the SFA, the best Swiss commissioned animation shortlist will be presented and a winning film will be announced. “What’s up Switzerland?” will see three Swiss studios introduce themselves.

16:45 – 18:30 Trafo Hall 36.2


SAIA shortlist