La Perra, Carla Melo Gampert, CO/CH 2023 | © La Perra, Carla Melo Gampert, CO/CH 2023

La Perra

Breasts plump, bum tight, plumage smooth. She’s ready for her date. But her daughter clings onto her – she doesn’t want her to go. Very soon, however, this fledgling pubescent will give in to her sexual desire and experience disappointment. In the conflict-ridden world the two women inhabit, men evade partnership and fatherhood. The family dog is her only support.


High Swiss Risk & Special Mention Swiss Competition Youth Jury

Direction Carla Melo Gampert

Duration 14'

Country Colombia

Year 2023

Animation Carla Melo Gampert, Andrea Muñoz Álvarez

Sound design Juanma López, Daniel Giraldo