Matta and Matto, Bianca Caderas, Kerstin Zemp, CH 2023 | © Matta and Matto, Bianca Caderas, Kerstin Zemp, CH 2023

Matta and Matto

In a dystopian world where people are forbidden to touch one another, Matta and Matto offer a place of refuge for the lonely in their travelling hotel. In the rooms of the Hotel Vaip, the guests’ find their deepest desires fulfilled and even surpassed. But this comes at a high price.


Fantastic Swiss

Direction Kerstin Zemp, Bianca Caderas

Duration 10'

Country Switzerland

Year 2023

Animation Kerstin Zemp, Bianca Caderas, Etienne Mory, Amélie Cochet, Danay Gijzen, Martine Ulmer

Music Philipp Schlotter

Sound design Etienne Kompis