Kids film Competition
Every year, Fantoche screens current animated film productions for kids and young people in two programmes of short films for the age groups 4 to 7 and 8 to 12. Since 2009 the films have been judged by a children’s jury and by the younger members of the public.
The short films of the “Kids Film Competition” are chosen from the entries for the “International Competition” and for the “Swiss Competition”. The selection is always made in close consultation with the “Zauberlaterne” (The Magic Lantern), the film club for kids. The main criteria applied are that they have good, clever story lines, are packed with ideas, cover a variety of themes and exemplify different techniques.
The younger members of the general public get the chance to pick their favorite film using a voting slip, and select the Young Audience Award, donated by Kaufmann Turmkrane AG.
The Youth Award for Best New Talent for the best first directorial work spans all three competitions and is awarded by the youth jury.
A seven-member jury of children aged 6 to 12 will judge the films in the children's film competition and award the Best Kids prize.
The children are selected from the members of the Magic Lantern. Supervised by Fantoche and the Zauberlaterne, they watch, discuss and evaluate the films together at the festival. At the official award ceremony, they describe their impressions, explain their decision and present the award to the filmmaker.
Animated film has a great appeal for children and young people. The opinion of our youngest guests is particularly important to us. The kids Jury and the Young Audience Award give them a voice that is also important for the filmmakers.
The children's jury is organised by The Magic Lantern.