© Crevette, Sven Bachmann, Noémi Knobil, Jill Vágner, Elina Huber, CH 2023


Jeanie discovers a prawn in her fridge’s freezer compartment, which has frozen shut. When the prawn transforms into an embryo and the other items in her fridge come to life, too, she has to face up to a very personal fear.

Direction Sven Bachmann, Noémi Knobil, Jill Vágner, Elina Huber

Duration 5'

Language Fr/en

Country Switzerland

Year 2023

Animation Jill Vágner, Elina Huber, Noémi Knobil, Sven Bachmann

Screenplay Noémi Knobil, Elina Huber'

Music Noah Loos

Sound design Noah Lüthi, Laura Kohler

Production HSLU