International competition

International Competition 1

Appointments & Tickets

Wed 4.9. • 18:30 - 19:45
Cinema Trafo 1

Thu 5.9. • 14:15 - 15:30
Cinema Trafo 1

Fri 6.9. • 20:45 - 22:00
Cinema Trafo 1

Sat 7.9. • 12:30 - 13:45
Cinema Trafo 1

14+ 67'
Artist present Artist present

Selection Team

  • Ivana Kvesić (CH)
  • Niels Putman (BE)
  • Frederic Siegel (CH)
  • Anaïs Voirol (CH)


  • Marie-Pauline Mollaret (FR)
  • Tina Schwizgebel (CH)
  • Aya Suzuki (JP)


Soleil gris, Camille Monnier, FR 2023 | © Soleil gris, Camille Monnier, FR 2023
Soleil gris
Under a scorching sun, Charlie is bored and dreams of going to the seaside. But she's forced to stay in a dingy motel with her cousin Jess, who slouches in her deckchair. The pool is empty, the sun is beating down and the tension is mounting: the ecological apocalypse announced on the radio suddenly becomes real. Direction Camille Monnier Duration 13' Language French Country France Year 2022
Animation Camille Monnier Music Fredrika Stahl Sound design Pierre Sauze

Surface Séance, Michael Heindl, AT 2023 | © Surface Séance, Michael Heindl, AT 2023
Surface Séance
In the black shimmering of the picture, blurry images flash for fractions of a second, while in the center a swirling, growing something struggles to take shape. A study in cinematic abstraction, anchored in a night ride on Vienna’s public transportation system Direction Michael Heindl Duration 5' Country Austria Year 2023
Animation Michael Heindl Sound design Flora Rajakowitsch

The Sunset Special 2, Nicolas Gebbe, DE 2024 | © The Sunset Special 2, Nicolas Gebbe, DE 2024
The Sunset Special 2
On this exclusive luxury cruise two families meet, while artificial facades dissolve, psychedelic dreamworlds unfold and the reality beyond superficial comfort is unveiled.  Direction Nicolas Gebbe Duration 19' Language English Country Germany Year 2024
Animation Nicolas Gebbe Music Nicolas Gebbe Sound design Nicolas Gebbe

I Died in Irpin, Anastasiia Falileieva, CZ 2024 | © I Died in Irpin, Anastasiia Falileieva, CZ 2024
I Died in Irpin
24 February 2022 my boyfriend and I fled from Kyiv to Irpin. We spent 10 days in a blockaded city and managed to escape with the last evacuation convoy. Time passed, but the feeling that I died in Irpin never left me since then. The film reconstructs this true story of survival through a personal and subjective lens.  Direction Anastasiia Falileieva Duration 11' Language Ukrainian Country Czechia Year 2024
Animation Anastasiia Falileieva Music Petr Marek Sound design Viear Marinová

Rose Rash, Thanut Rujitanont, TH 2024 | © Rose Rash, Thanut Rujitanont, TH 2024
Rose Rash
Based on the “Tibetan Book of the Dead”, living creatures are meeting dead ones: O Nobly-Born, your breathing is about to cease. Listen with full attention, without being distracted. O Nobly-Born, go forward, you have been in a swoon. Direction Thanut Rujitanont Duration 10' Country Thailand Year 2024
Animation Thanut Rujitanont Music Theerapat Wongpaisarnkit Sound design Theerapat Wongpaisarnkit

Tabac froid, Arthur Jamain, FR 2023 | © Tabac froid, Arthur Jamain, FR 2023
Tabac froid
Can we tell our mother that we have been sexually assaulted by our brother? The obvious answer should be “yes”. However, only few dare to break the silence. The question we ask ourselves is: “Why aren’t we talking about it?” Direction Arthur Jamain Duration 10' Language French Country France Year 2023
Music Yannik Valmorin Sound design Manuel Drouglazet Production Luce Grosjean