Focus South Korea
Korean independent animation aspires to create a better world – a desire echoed in the directors’ voices and the messages conveyed through their animated work.
In the 1990s, independent animation explored the desire for democracy, as well as different notions of modern society in general. In the 2000s, the focus shifted to more individualistic concerns. Nevertheless, the directors always aimed to portray their personal experiences in a way that reached beyond the self, in order to connect with the wider audience. Thus, one person’s story became everyone’s story – everyone’s dream of a better world – encouraging a sense of empathy within the viewers. The art of accessible and universal storytelling has therefore become an intrinsic part of Korean independent animation and this year, Fantoche brings together stories stemming from precisely that unique style of filmmaking.
The programme offers an insight into the history of Korean independent animation and an outlet for films with a social message, including the work of female directors. “My Beautiful Girl, Mari”, winner of the Grand Prix for Best Animated Feature at the 2002 Annecy Festival, and “Climbing”, an impressive story about pregnancy and childbirth, are just two of the gems we have in store for you. We look forward to sharing the unique and joyful experience that is Korean independent animation!
In collaboration with: KOCCA (Korea Creative Content Agency) & KIAFA (Korean Independent Animation Filmmakers Association)
Presenting Partner: Globetrotter Travel Service AG
Supported by: SWISSLOS Kanton Aargau & Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Swiss Confederation
Curated by: Yujin Choi